3 Ways to Move Forward In Life, Even If You Haven’t Figured Out Your Life Purpose Yet


You have ambition. You want to do something great with your life...in fact you’re all about living your best life...if you knew what that was supposed to look like! Does this sound familiar?

Look, we totally understand that trying to answer this ever popular question of life purpose can be overwhelming at times, especially when you don’t know where to start... or you’re still not even sure what you want to be when you grow up.

Not to worry, you don’t have to feel like you’re behind the curve because there are still ways for you to move ahead in life right now, even if you don’t have all the answers figured out just yet.

Your best life is still ahead, so let’s get to it. Here’s three things you can do to start making moves.

1. Start with WHO instead of WHERE

The big push is always on where you are going in life: where are you going to live, where are you going to work, where you want to be in the next 5 years, and the list goes on. 

However, if you don’t have a clear sense of direction just yet, start with WHO. 

Use this time to get clear on the kind of person you want to become. 

The easiest way to do this is to make a list.

What qualities do you want to be true of you?

The first step towards getting what you want is knowing exactly what you are working towards.

Schedule a date with yourself, grab a piece of paper and a pen, and write a description of the kind of person you want to be.

What qualities do you admire in friends, mentors, leaders, etc.? Maybe you admire your friend’s kindness or their ability to listen well to whatever you’re dealing with. Perhaps you want to be a confident speaker or someone who is always organized and on time.

Whatever it is for you, make note of it and use this as a guide to help you begin the process of becoming the best version of yourself.

And guess what, when you start to become the right person, you’ll find yourself heading in the right direction.

2. Work inside out

In order to go forward, you have to grow forward. The next way to start moving in the direction of purpose, satisfaction, and your best life is to invest in your personal development and leadership skills. Just because you haven’t zeroed in on your ideal career path yet, doesn’t mean you have to get stuck at the bottom rung. Now is the perfect time to invest in yourself and honing your leadership ability. That way when the opportunities arise, you’ll be ready. 

We recommend working from the inside out, meaning the first person you must be able to lead is yourself. A simple way to start is by taking a look at those personal qualities you just listed and deciding which ones to begin developing in your life. 

As you develop successful habits personally, your example will speak volumes, and you’ll be more comfortable sharing your own practices with those around you. 

In case leadership isn’t something you feel drawn to, consider this. 

As John Maxwell once said, “Leadership is influence.” And we all have influence. People are always watching us, how we respond, and taking cues from our actions. Learning how to get along well with other people is something EVERYONE can benefit from.

Sometimes influence looks like leading a team or having a specific title, but more often than not, it looks like setting a good example for those around you (even if it’s just those at the coffee shop, your family, your coworkers, or the people at the gym), doing the right thing, and bringing your best effort to every task.

Plus, as you start to grow and develop yourself, others will take notice, and you never know what doors of opportunity will open.

3. Own your worth

You bring to the table a combination of talents, abilities and experiences that is completely unique. 

Seriously, no one else has exactly what you can offer. Embrace that truth! 

Own the fact that you are amazing, you bring value, and your life can and will make a difference. Instead of comparing yourself to others, focus fully on being the best version of yourself, and you’ll find the satisfaction that comes from doing what you were made to do. 

Internalizing this belief will give you the ability to see and the courage to seize the opportunities that arise. 

So, are you ready to move forward? You’ve got this! 
