How to get unstuck

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Do you know anyone who lives under a dark cloud?

We do.

Unfortunately for this friend of ours, it seems like bad news and sorry circumstances seem to follow them everywhere they go.

At first we felt bad for them. Then we were confused… “Why can’t this person seem to catch a break?”

Then we realized what was going on and learned a valuable lesson.

We noticed that every time we saw this person, they had some bad news to share. Whether it was theirs or something far beyond their control, they were constantly internalizing local problems, global events, and worrying about situations that often didn’t even involve them. We noticed that they regularly verbalized these concerns and negative emotions answering the question of “How are you?” with the latest woes.

Consequently, their words created a negative world in which problems multiplied, worry abounded, and their health and emotional wellbeing suffered greatly. This habit of negativity kept this person from progressing and living the kind of life they truly desired.

Behavior of this kind repels people. We even found ourselves wanting to keep our distance from this friend of ours to avoid the predictable dose of negativity.

So, what’s the lesson here?

Our words create the world in which we live.

Instead of speaking negatively, we need to choose to be people who are bearers of good news.

Do you feel like you are stuck in a certain area of your life?

Could it be that you need to change the way you are thinking and speaking about it?

If you want to live differently, you have to change the way you speak to yourself, to others, and about the world you live in.

Choose to declare the victory over your circumstances and speak life into your world by looking for and verbalizing the good. As you do, watch how your optimistic perspective transforms your world and blesses those around you.

What’s one thing you’ve used to overcome negative roadblocks in your life?
