Is this how you would describe your job?


It's important to do something that you love and to find fulfillment in your work. One of the most rewarding things for us about teaching is the chance to invest in other people and positively impact their lives.

As we enter into a new season, it is a wonderful time to evaluate not only where we are, but also the impact that we are having on the world around us. Here's a few questions to ask yourself:

  • Do I feel fulfilled in my work?

  • Do I feel challenged in a good way?

  • Am I using my skills and talents on a regular basis?

  • Am I excited about what I do?

  • Am I making a positive difference in the lives of those around me?

Take a minute to honestly answer these questions for yourself.

If your answer is "NO" to several of the questions, think about some ways you can adjust your current roles to feel a greater sense of purpose and satisfaction in your work. Life is too short to do something unfulfilling. If you answered "YES," cherish the opportunity you have to do what you love and give it to others each day. It is a gift that can be easy to take for granted. After all, the greatest rewards are not in what we get but what we give.
