THIS is how to get what you want most!


What’s the one thing you want most right now?

Maybe you feel like you’ve been waiting or working towards this for some time now.

We were on our morning walk the other day, and one of the things we like to do is observe all of the plants and animals outside. 

It’s summer, and at this time of year, it is officially mango season. We’ve been watching the trees mature for the last few months, and as time has passed, the fruits have grown and changed color.

What started as tiny buds has now turned into mangos the size of two fists and the branches are feeling the weight. 

We couldn’t help but notice the difference between the large, well-established trees, laden with (literally) hundreds of mangos and the younger trees whose branches are dramatically bowing under their small yield of ten to twenty.

What a great metaphor this is for our own lives and desires. So often, we want things in life that perhaps we aren’t ready for yet. 

If those young trees were to have hundreds of mangos like the mature trees, it would literally crush them, rendering the tree useless and perhaps even lifeless.

In order to successfully handle the opportunities and achievements we desire, we have to build up the strength necessary to steward them well.

Remember, the right thing at the wrong time is still the wrong thing.

So here’s three things you can do to grow into the opportunities you desire:

1.Decide to get comfortable being uncomfortable.

The things that we want are often outside of our comfort zone, so if we are going to obtain them, we will have to experience some growing pains. The way to endure this is to understand that it’s normal, it’s part of the process, it’s only for a season, and you will come out better and stronger on the other side.

2.Steward well what you currently have.

Take an inventory of the resources and opportunities that you currently have. Ask yourself: How am I handling my time, money, relationships, customers, talents, etc.? Are you making the most of what you currently have or are you wasting some of the potential sitting right in your lap? Until you are able to do your best at this level, you won’t be ready for the responsibilities of the next.

3.Invest in your own growth.

As John Maxwell aptly put it:

The best way to keep from becoming satisfied with current achievements is to make yourself a continual learner. You must keep improving yourself, not only acquiring knowledge to replace what you forget or what’s out of date, but building on what you learned yesterday.

One of the ways that we commit to daily growth and progress is through The Daily. (Check out the latest edition HERE!)

...And then get ready for the harvest!

Which one of these are you going to start focusing on today?
